Week 10: PhET

This week I am going to share a resource that I have used only once or twice before called PhET Interactive Simulations.  While researching this tool, I realized I really should be using it much more!

PhET is a free resource created at the University of Colorado Boulder. PhET simulations are "based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery."  It's great for science and math because we don’t always have the resources to do experiments in class, but we all know that most of our students learn best when they can interact with the material.  

This video is a little lengthy, but it does an amazing job explaining PhET and their mission.  

I was impressed to learn that PhET simulations have been created for students K-University.  They are engaging and, as noted earlier, a great option with the looming budget cuts to our Education system.  I highly encourage each of you to take a look at what they have to offer for students at your particular grade levels.



  1. This are great for introducing so many science topics.

  2. I'll be using this in my class! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Excellent resource Heather, this inspired me to think about how we should be capturing a these great technology tools in some sort of open source page or document as I feel like more information is leaking out than in:) haha I anticipate PhET only getting better with stronger graphical representations and possible virtual or augmented add ons!

  4. I am sharing this one immediately with my math instructor. Great resource!


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